OBDwiz 4.29
11.2 MB

OBDwiz 4.29

Performs OBD-II vehicle diagnostics operations
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4.29.0 See all
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
11.2 MB

Work with scan tools for vehicles by creating a communication channel between it and a personal computer, then running multiple types of OBD-II diagnostics. The suite supports configuration tools for software components and reads pre-defined Parameter Identifications (PIDs).

OBDwiz is a software program developed to help users realize car diagnosis in order to detect and fix mechanical problems. This software helps you save some money while also contributes to the improvement of your car's performance.

The GUI is standard and it's comprised of a top main menu, a left side panel, and the main area - where the content is displayed. The buttons are well crafted and look quite modern. Users can also find some extra skins and a few basic customizations. The responsiveness isn't great, some minor lags do sometimes interfere with user's activity.

As per its features, OBDwiz is able to provide assistance for trouble codes, sensors, engine light, while offering customizable graphs and dashboards.

Other embedded functions are a Fuel economy calculator, that displays the fuel economy and records statistical data for every car trip, and an Emissions reader that includes a built-in database with standards for every type of car.

To summarize, OBDwiz is a smart software to use if you want to keep your car's condition at a high standard while not having to pay a fortune for it. Sure, 39.95$ is not a cheap price, but it's less than what you'll pay to a service center.

JS Senior editor
John Saunders
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Has extra skin themes
  • Provides assistance for trouble codes
  • Has a Fuel economy calculator


  • Buttons are sometimes laggy
  • Has a consistent price

Comments (1)

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I purchased this scan tool and disk some time ago, and recently had to replace my laptop. The new one runs in Windows 7, the OBD program will not operate properly now. Can I download the program without paying again, or can you tell me how to make it run on the Windows 7 platform.

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